Tax Services

Hong Kong tax rates are low and simple and clear. According to Chapter 112 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance, there are three types of direct taxes in Hong Kong: profits tax, salaries tax and property tax. The tax year is from April 1st to March 31st of the following year.

In Hong Kong, the Inland Revenue Department issues tax returns to companies and individuals around April and May every year. The relevant company/person must complete the tax return and return it together with the relevant information and documents to the Inland Revenue Department within 1-3 months after the date of issue (depending on the circumstances); if it is a newly established company, the profits tax return will generally be Issued after about 18 months from the date of establishment of the company. If the relevant company has not received the profit tax return issued by the Inland Revenue Department 18 months after the company was established/company registration, the company should take the initiative to inquire about tax declaration matters with the Inland Revenue Department or We can be appointed to follow up with the tax bureau on your behalf.

Our corporate tax preparation services include:

  • Filing of Profits Tax Return - Corporation (B.I.R.51) / Non-corporation (B.I.R.52)
  • Filing Tax Return - Individuals (B.I.R.60)
  • Filing of property tax return (B.I.R.57 / 58)
  • Employer’s Salary and Pension Return (I.R. 56B)
  • Employer to file non-employee tax return (I.R. 56M)
  • Tax calculation
  • Reply to the letter from the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department
  • Objecting to tax assessments on behalf of clients
  • Apply for tax extension on behalf of clients
  • Handle inquiries and investigations from the tax bureau
  • Provide tax planning and consulting
  • As a tax representative



在香港, 稅務局每年都會在約四月及五月向公司及個人發出報稅表。有關公司/人士須於發單日期後1-3個月內(視乎不同情況)把報稅表填妥並連同有關之資料及文件交回稅務局;如是新成立公司, 利得稅報稅表一般會在公司成立日起約18個月後發出,如有關公司在公司成立/公司註冊後18個月仍未接獲稅務局發出之利得稅報稅表,公司應主動向稅務局查詢有關稅務申報事宜或可委任我們代為向稅務局跟進。


  • 申報利得稅報稅表 - 法團 (B.I.R.51) / 法團以外 (B.I.R.52)
  • 申報個別人士報稅表 (B.I.R.60)
  • 申報物業稅稅表 (B.I.R.57 / 58)
  • 僱主填報薪酬及退休金報稅表 (I.R. 56B)
  • 僱主填報僱員以外報稅表 (I.R. 56M)
  • 稅款計算
  • 回覆香港稅務局信件
  • 代表客人提供反對估稅
  • 代表客人申請延期報稅
  • 處理稅務局之查詢及調查
  • 提供稅務規計劃及諮詢
  • 作為稅務代表